23 May 2024

The Countdown Is On to Drupal 11 Innovation

Mark your calendars! Drupal 11 will be officially released the week of July 29, 2024. The launch of Drupal 11 will signal the start of an exciting time for the platform. Its CMS technologies are the...

16 May 2024

Web Accessibility Solutions for People with Cognitive Disabilities

People with a passing familiarity of web accessibility typically know it applies to users with different types of disabilities and impairments. For instance, blind users need alt text for screen...

10 Apr 2024

Crawl, Walk, Run to Web Personalization Success

Today’s consumers are confronted with endless options in the digital market. Companies must intentionally build online and e-commerce experiences that attract, retain, and remain relevant to their...

1 Apr 2024

11 Questions to Ask Your Development Partner

When you’re ready to engage a development partner to help take your business to the next level, take some time to make sure you find the right partner for your needs.

11 Mar 2024

Let’s Celebrate Engine Room’s 10th Anniversary!

This year marks 10 years of business for the Engine Room team. After a decade of offering web development and consulting solutions, we are grateful to reflect on the journey that began and grew our...

19 Feb 2024

The Role of AI in Digital Transformation for Businesses

There has been a lot of excitement, innovation, and maybe even uncertainty surrounding the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in companies. When it comes to digital transformation and your...

10 Jan 2024

How Digital Transformation Drives Revenue and Builds Brands

Investing in digital transformation helps companies stay competitive in evolving digital marketplaces. It’s no longer enough to simply create digital experiences to support customers and conversion...

27 Nov 2023

The Role of CMOs in Driving Digital Transformation Solutions

With endless online options, user experience (UX) is increasingly being identified as a differentiating factor when consumers choose to engage with a brand. In response, businesses are continuing to...

16 Nov 2023

Avoiding Marketing Personalization Pitfalls to Enhance Your Brand

Marketing personalization is a powerful tool for elevating your business. Increased sales conversions, attracting and retaining consumers, and enhanced brand loyalty are just a fewbenefits of web...

11 Oct 2023

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: How Much Does Your Website Have to Change for WCAG 2.2?

We’ve all been there. You’ve painstakingly overhauled your site to be ADA compliant and to match the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Then just a short time later, changes to the standard...

9 Oct 2023

Personalization Services for E-Commerce

Personalization is a game-changing approach to enhancing your e-commerce capabilities and experiences. It is the systematic tailoring of branding, messaging to consumers, and purchasing experiences....

11 Sep 2023

The Top Digital Transformation Trends to Watch

In the ever-evolving worlds of technology and marketing, staying ahead of the curve is vital for businesses to thrive. Buzz about AI and its role in the digital transformation of companies...

17 Aug 2023

Which QA Automation Tool Is Right for My Business?

Among the plethora of test automation tools available, two low/no code test automation tools are becoming very popular among software testers – Katalon and Testim. This article will conduct an...

19 Jul 2023

Ensuring Website Accessibility: The Key to an Inclusive User Experience

Website accessibility is a crucial aspect of web design that is often overlooked. (The key to creating a website that is accessible to everyone? Finding the right web development partner). One...

6 Jun 2023

How Chat GPT Can Help Your Business and Digital Marketing

Understanding Chat GPT

In today's digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth. One such groundbreaking technology is

11 May 2023

How Do You Use Personalization to Increase Sales?

Personalization is an essential strategy for increasing sales - if you’re not currently utilizing it, you’re missing out. By tailoring your message to each customer based on their behaviors,...

28 Mar 2023

Customer Data Platform Use Cases

Did you know that according to Nielsen's 2022 Global Annual Marketing Report, only 26% of marketers worldwide feel confident in their customer data? Without detailed and reliable customer data,...

9 Mar 2023

The Benefits of Personalization in E-Commerce

Marketing personalization is the process of tailoring products, content, and services to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual customers. In the e-commerce world, personalization can...

9 Feb 2023

Everything to Know About the E-Commerce Website Development Process

It is estimated that there are over 20 million active e-commerce sites around the world - how is yours going to stand out? You must give customers seamless user experiences that keep them coming back...

19 Jan 2023

5 Tips for Finding the Right Web Development Partner

Have you experienced problems managing web development projects in the past and are tired of micro-managing or having to spend excessive time on a project because your partner doesn’t understand your...

5 Jan 2023

A Guide to Marketing Personalization for Digital Agencies


Marketing personalization is the process of using customer data to deliver individually targeted brand messages.Consumers have now come to expect personalized...

1 Dec 2022

Ultimate Guide to Customer Data Platforms

What is a Customer Data Platform?

A customer data platform is software that combines customer data from multiple sources to create a single, organized database with complete information about every...

15 Sep 2022

Digital Orchestration 101: Website Enhancements to Improve Your Site

Why Website Enhancement Matters

Studies show you have about five seconds to make a positive impression on a potential customer before they navigate away from your site and over to a competitor’s....

17 Aug 2022

Digital Orchestration 101: How to Develop an Effective Content Strategy

Why Content Creation Strategy Is Important

How you conceive, create, and market your content is the backbone of your company. You can have the best marketing strategy in the world, but without solid...

14 Jul 2022

Digital Orchestration 101: Search Engine Optimization


SEO is a tool for maximizing the probability that users will find your site via a search engine when they use certain keywords. It involves both researching the best keywords and...

22 Jun 2022

What Is Digital Orchestration?

If your company is investing time, energy, and money into concerted digital marketing efforts to sell your services and grow your audience, it can feel overwhelming. This is especially true if you...

24 May 2022

How to Use Customer Data Platforms For Personalized Marketing

Customer Data Platforms are vital for businesses to achieve their goals for several reasons. According to Tealium, 57% of CDP users rely on their platform to protect customer data. Additionally, 54%...

6 May 2022

Pricing and Estimating a Website Project

Many digital agencies are still pricing website projects and selling their services based on a very specific set of features or design elements priced out as lined items. However, best-in-class...

25 Apr 2022

Everything You Should Know About GA4, the Latest Version of Google Analytics

GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics. It was first released as a beta in November 2019, and then it was formally released on October 14, 2020. We’ll go into detail here about the differences...

1 Feb 2022

5 Options For Testing Website Security & How To Choose One

You’ve likely considered hosting your website in the cloud, on a platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS has a shared responsibility model, which means you’re still responsible for securing your...

24 Jan 2022

5 Pitfalls of a New Drupal Installation

Drupal is the fourth-most used Content Management System (CMS) on the internet today, falling beyond only WordPress, Shopify, and Joomla. And it makes sense. It’s a developer’s dream when it comes to...

27 Dec 2021

Does Your CMS Pass Its Security Check-Up? Key Areas to Assess to Ensure a Healthy Security Diagnosis

Is your CMS secure? Many of the most popular content management system (CMS) options available today are also some of the most targeted by malicious actors, searching for ways to obtain your most...

22 Dec 2021

Blockchain NFT Project Announcement | Digital Autograph NFTs

Image Credit: Quantum Ai

If you keep up with recent trends, you have probably heard of Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs. From celebrities signing autographs to digital artists finding new ways to sell...

26 Oct 2021

Security for Amazon Web Services: What You Need to Know

Chances are, you’re among the 94 percent of organizations using a cloud service to store data and power your enterprise. Of these enterprises, at least 30 percent of all IT budgets go towards cloud...

14 Oct 2021

CMS Minimum Security Requirements: Your Essential Overview

Is your organization truly prepared to take on the increasingly real threats presented by cyberattacks? It’s incredibly likely that even if you think you’re ready for whatever cybercriminals come...

16 Sep 2021

Have You Changed the Oil on Your Website Lately?

You want your car to run smoothly; to achieve what you set out for it to do—to get from Point A to Point B. Similarly, you want your website to do the same thing. You want it to attract and convert...

16 Aug 2021

Digital Asset Management: Connecting Content Hub and WordPress

Are your digital files and assets easy to locate and use? Not everyone has an easy way for their teams to access what they need. Here’s a shocking statistic:

22 Jul 2021

Upgrading to Drupal 9

Drupal 9 was released on June 3, 2020, alongside Drupal 8.9 — a long-term support minor release of Drupal 8 that was designed to help users transition from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. While Drupal 8 will...

14 Jun 2021

How to Maximize Website ROI: CMS Success

There’s a lot of time, money, and effort that goes into crafting a good website, and a truly great website is never really “done.” It’s a major resource for your organization, but it also requires a...

13 May 2021

Could a No Code / Low Code solution be your next digital marketing move?

Before you engage your usual development process for your next marketing microsite, consider an alternative No Code option to save you time and money.

20 Apr 2021

Performance Tools: How and Why Google Measures Your Site Speed & Why You Can’t Ignore It

How fast is your website? 

Are you sure it’s fast enough? Or is it costing you business?

6 Apr 2021

Is WordPress Enterprise Ready? (Yes: With a Managed Platform)

As the name might suggest, WordPress got its start in the blogging realm.

Truth be told? WordPress is really great for blogging. 

23 Mar 2021

How to Decide on a Content Management System

Content management systems (CMS) are practically a necessity in today’s web-based world. These toolsorganize, produce, andautomate content for the organizations that use them to power their...

9 Mar 2021

What Can A DAM do for you?

According to Demand Metric’sThe State of Digital Asset Management 2020, 51% of marketers are wasting money on producing or recreating assets that don’t get used — all because people don’t know the...

25 Feb 2021

Learnings from a Sitecore Upgrade and Azure PaaS Migration

Unfortunately, right now there is no simple way to upgrade Sitecore versions with a click of a button. There are many steps involved that all work in tandem in order to successfully deploy the...

23 Feb 2021

Pantheon's Unbeatable WebOps Workflow

Do you have a full understanding of what WebOps really is—and what it can do for you?

12 Feb 2021

Does Your Vendor Have A CMS Success Service

There’s a lot of pressure on choosing the right content management system (CMS). Select the right one, and it can take a lot of the stress out of managing your website. It allows your team to make...

18 Jan 2021

The Evolving Relationship Between Marketing and IT

Gone are the days of advertising and graphics teams whose work is separated far away from the work of the information technology (IT) teams. No longer are they completely different entities serving...

4 Jan 2021

Digital Asset Management: What It Is and Why It Matters

With technology always at our fingertips and a work-from-home climate, the expedited delivery of digital assets is more important than ever. Digital content is being created at a breakneck pace, and...

14 Dec 2020

Types of data vulnerability

Security breaches can be fatal to your business and unbelievably costly according to the 2018 Cost of Data Breach Study:

27 Nov 2020

What Are the Four Major Categories of Website Accessibility?

In the United States, besides federal, state, and local government websites, there are no enforceable regulations or standards for accessibility. Non-governmental websites don’t have any regulations...

11 Nov 2020

Four Reasons You Need to Update Your Website Security

Are your web security measures secure enough? Chances are, they aren’t. 

26 Oct 2020

Website Maintenance: 6 tips for preventing zombie content and keeping your website clean and on brand

As I left for work this morning I drove alongside our vegetable garden in front of our house. Normally, by this time of year we are just wrapping up harvesting a successful third crop of vegetables...

15 Oct 2020

CMS Security: Is Your Platform Being Targeted?

We hate to break it to you, but if you’re wondering if your content management system (CMS) is being targeted by malicious hackers, you should know it probably is. 

29 Sep 2020

Get The Latest In Online Security With Our Guide

In studies of online security breaches, it’s been discovered that the time to detect a breach within an organization is usually over 200 days. And when these breaches are detected? It’s usually by an...

14 Sep 2020

Cloud Deployment Models: Choosing a Platform That’s Best for You

Are you considering making the jump to a cloud-based system for your business or e-commerce site?

27 Aug 2020

Maximize Efficiency: Drupal for Financial Institutions

Is your financial institution’s website or content platform stuck in the dark ages? It may be time to consider creating a new website using the tools that Drupal has to offer.  

21 Aug 2020

Understanding Drupal Architecture and Its Benefits

Running a company that provides web development services, and having been in web development for over twenty years has given me a wide-eyed and fairly objective view of the Content Management System...

11 Aug 2020

CMS Security is Website Security

If you run a website, eCommerce site, or marketing department you likely know what a Content Management System (CMS) is. CMSs are applications that help manage content by allowing multiple users to...

7 Jul 2020

What's New in Drupal 9

It seems like just yesterday we were migrating all of our clients to Drupal 8 from Drupal 7. ‘Migrating’ is actually not the best word for it. It conjures images of a simple, turnkey step-by-step,...

29 Jun 2020

Online Risk Assessment: How Secure is Your Website?

Where to Start

Don’t know if your customers’ data is secure? Are you panicking that your website could be defaced, leading to reputation damage? We all worry about the risks that we face as website...

9 Jun 2020

8 Steps to Improve User Experience Through Accessibility

I’ll start with a quote by Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, pioneers in web usability.

5 Jun 2020

Most recent ADA compliance guidelines based on cognitive abilities

When it comes to creating content in the digital age, it can be tempting to design purely for your target, or main, audience. However, companies that aren't ADA compliant may be in a world of trouble...
21 May 2020

Protecting Sensitive Data in AWS

The move to cloud by business is nothing new and seems to be an inevitability. A recent survey of I.T. professionals showed 94 percent use cloud, and public cloud (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure

8 May 2020

Securing your Sitecore 9 XP PaaS Installation

You’ve painstakingly architected your Sitecore 9 installation on PaaS. You’ve gone to all the trouble to think about scalability, usability, portability… all the -ITYs. But what about securITY? 

7 May 2020

The Current Data Privacy Landscape

Imagine you’ve been tasked with riding a unicycle across a tightrope. It sounds difficult, right?

22 Apr 2020

Is your website ready for a crush of traffic? Here is a plan of attack for finding out.

As internet traffic hits all-time highs we should all be thinking about how a spike in traffic to our web properties will be handled. 

1 Apr 2020

Why you need to routinely check for ADA compliance

Since 1990 when it was first passed, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has helped ensure that those with disabilities may more fully and equally participate in the public sphere....

1 Apr 2020

WebAssembly, Web Design, and the Cloud

In Tech, we are constantly in a game of ‘catch-up’. Rapidly developing technologies seem to pop up out of the ether whenever you’re not looking. In addition, startups keep moving the goalposts on...

11 Mar 2020

Website Compliance with ADA: The Ultimate Guide

Compliance with legal regulations can be a chore. It’s not likely to show up on your list of the most exciting topics.

8 Jan 2020

The advent of the product-thinking economy

When you hear the word "product," what do you think of? If you're like most people, you think of the end result of some kind of manufacturing process. Whether it's a digital product, like an e-book...

8 Jan 2020

Creating a Secure SDLC: An Agile Roadmap

In today's environment, secure development is a must. Secure SDLC practices do exist. However, some are more geared toward a waterfall style development process.

8 Jan 2020
2 Dec 2019

Continuous Integration: Bitbucket Pipelines and Static Code Analysis

When it comes to code, maintenance can be a troublesome creature. As projects grow in scope and size, so does the application codebase. As that growth progresses, it’s imperative to keep the...

6 Nov 2019

How Does Your Browser Protect You? | App & Website Security

Building a web application opens up multiple possibilities for mind-blowing functionality and user experiences.

30 Oct 2019

5 Options For Testing Website Security & How To Choose One

As the IT industry’s focus on security has increased, so has the number of options for testing your website’s security. The number of vendors has exploded, too.

15 Oct 2019

How Marketers Can Embrace Automation & Improve Company Processes

Many companies around the world are turning towards automation to compete in the global marketplace, work more efficiently and save costs. The path to success can be a roller coaster as fierce...

30 Sep 2019

Your complete ADA compliance checklist

Schedule a Consultation

Approximately 25% of American adults have a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means that your...

23 Sep 2019

How to Secure a Website: Common Attacks Against Websites

Fundamentals matter.

Let’s do some math. There are currently over 1 billion websites in the world, 380 million of which are in the United States [Source]. According to a report by Acunetix, 46% of...

6 Sep 2019

Tips on a successful CRM implementation

One of the major challenges businesses face is the successful implementation of their CRM system. The CRM implementation process comes with considerable difficulties and can quickly become complex...

26 Jun 2019

Voice assistants may be most at home in automobiles

The number of connected cars embedded with voice assistants is rising. Cars are among the best use cases for voice technology, as driving should, ostensibly, prohibit people from using the...

17 Jun 2019

How brands can design for accessibility

In today's digitally advanced world, designing for accessibility has become the norm. Brands that aren't using an accessibility-first design run the risk of losing leads and prospective customers to...

11 Jun 2019

CCPA Compliance: The Roadmap to Compliant Systems in 2019 and Beyond

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was signed into law in June 2018. Its introduction into California law reminds many of GDPR and the increasing awareness of privacy by both the government...

10 Jun 2019

Why personalization should be at the heart of your marketing strategy

Today's marketers are always on the lookout for new, innovative ways to personalize customer experiences. This emerging trend is driven by personalization's amazing benefits, such as increased...

29 Apr 2019

The importance of regularly performing a content review/audit

Is your website stuck in 2012? If you're not periodically auditing your website content, you might be losing out. No matter how brilliant your content was when you created it, if it's outdated in...

26 Mar 2019

Knock Down the Silos and Raise the Customer Data Platforms

For years, marketing executives wanted to have a 360-degree view of their customers. At first, it was a matter of collecting the data. Now, we have the opposite problem. We've got so much data, we...

18 Mar 2019

What is Brand Architecture, Anyway?

Let's face it: The term "Brand Architecture" sounds like one of those fancy marketing terms that goes along with "synergy" and "best practices." But, when your CMO comes to you and says that you need...

8 Mar 2019

Why digital marketing should be the main dish on your marketing plate in 2019

In business, digital marketing used to be relegated to just a side dish. It was nice to have, but it wasn't the central focus of your marketing campaign. Most businesses spent the bulk of their...

1 Mar 2019

The Security Conscious CMS Buyer's Guide

Your new house is complete. You’ve spent painstaking hours with an architect and builder to create your dream house. The cost was high, but it was worth it. However, you find that the kitchen doesn’t...

1 Feb 2019

Sitecore CMS Security: The Top 5 Steps You Need to Take to Secure Your Sitecore Installation

--2020 Update: for information on securing your Sitecore 9 XP PaaS go here. --

Sitecore Experience Platform (Sitecore XP) is designed to be the leading digital experience platform. You likely chose...

26 Jan 2019


Originally posted to LinkedIn on January 13, 2016

Tip #4:Avoid Common Mistakes

The most common mistake I see in information security is when people get overwhelmed - the process becomes too...

26 Jan 2019

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Originally posted to LinkedIn on December 23, 2015

Tip #3: Look Around

Government, the defense and financial services industries do this well. They have the best practices, which you can learn with...

26 Jan 2019

Solid Governance is Key

Originally posted to LinkedIn on November 23, 2015

The next step to think like a hacker, while not simple, is something all executives understand.

Tip #2: Governance

A successful InfoSec function...

26 Jan 2019

How to Think Like a Hacker

Originally posted to LinkedIn on May 15, 2017

There are two schools of thought in information security.

You can take a defensive posture - firewalls, coding to standards and implementing software...

26 Jan 2019


Originally posted to LinkedIn on May 15, 2017

In late April 2017, a hacker calling himself “The Dark Overlord” claimed to have released the first 10 episodes of the new season of “Orange is the New...

4 Jan 2019

The Product Owner's Guide To WordPress Security Plugins

If you’re a product owner who’s been handed responsibility for your company’s WordPress site, or sites, you know you have quite a bit to handle. New pages to create, new blog posts to write, and just...

20 Nov 2018

Is your Drupal Site Secure?

Originally posted to LinkedIn August 20, 2018

If you manage your company's website you are probably reliant on your Digital Agency, or offshore or internal Development Team to secure your Drupal...

20 Nov 2018

A Pact Between IT and Marketing

Originally posted to LinkedIn on September 11, 2018

I have been consulting in the field of Digital Marketing Technology for nearly 20 years. I have worked with companies big and small, though mostly...

20 Nov 2018

Developers Must Understand The Google Search Console

Originally posted to LinkedIn on October 3, 2018

Until recently, most developers, especially in the Enterprise space, have been pretty unfamiliar with the Google Search Console. The Search Console is...

20 Nov 2018

Three reasons your umbraco installation is insecure

Content Management Systems (CMS) serve an excellent purpose. Content is key to any holistic marketing strategy. Your company needs curated content, targeted toward your marketing goals, whether...

1 Nov 2018

When Should You Use a Headless CMS?

Content Management Systems provide a marketing or communications team an easy and governable way to quickly manage content on your web properties. However, increasingly, this content needs to be...