11 Aug 2020

CMS Security is Website Security

If you run a website, eCommerce site, or marketing department you likely know what a Content Management System (CMS) is. CMSs are applications that help manage content by allowing multiple users to...

7 Jul 2020

What's New in Drupal 9

It seems like just yesterday we were migrating all of our clients to Drupal 8 from Drupal 7. ‘Migrating’ is actually not the best word for it. It conjures images of a simple, turnkey step-by-step,...

29 Jun 2020

Online Risk Assessment: How Secure is Your Website?

Where to Start

Don’t know if your customers’ data is secure? Are you panicking that your website could be defaced, leading to reputation damage? We all worry about the risks that we face as website...

9 Jun 2020

8 Steps to Improve User Experience Through Accessibility

I’ll start with a quote by Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, pioneers in web usability.

5 Jun 2020

Most recent ADA compliance guidelines based on cognitive abilities

When it comes to creating content in the digital age, it can be tempting to design purely for your target, or main, audience. However, companies that aren't ADA compliant may be in a world of trouble...
21 May 2020

Protecting Sensitive Data in AWS

The move to cloud by business is nothing new and seems to be an inevitability. A recent survey of I.T. professionals showed 94 percent use cloud, and public cloud (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure

8 May 2020

Securing your Sitecore 9 XP PaaS Installation

You’ve painstakingly architected your Sitecore 9 installation on PaaS. You’ve gone to all the trouble to think about scalability, usability, portability… all the -ITYs. But what about securITY? 

7 May 2020

The Current Data Privacy Landscape

Imagine you’ve been tasked with riding a unicycle across a tightrope. It sounds difficult, right?

22 Apr 2020

Is your website ready for a crush of traffic? Here is a plan of attack for finding out.

As internet traffic hits all-time highs we should all be thinking about how a spike in traffic to our web properties will be handled.