29 Apr 2019

The importance of regularly performing a content review/audit

Is your website stuck in 2012? If you're not periodically auditing your website content, you might be losing out. No matter how brilliant your content was when you created it, if it's outdated in...

26 Mar 2019

Knock Down the Silos and Raise the Customer Data Platforms

For years, marketing executives wanted to have a 360-degree view of their customers. At first, it was a matter of collecting the data. Now, we have the opposite problem. We've got so much data, we...

18 Mar 2019

What is Brand Architecture, Anyway?

Let's face it: The term "Brand Architecture" sounds like one of those fancy marketing terms that goes along with "synergy" and "best practices." But, when your CMO comes to you and says that you need...

8 Mar 2019

Why digital marketing should be the main dish on your marketing plate in 2019

In business, digital marketing used to be relegated to just a side dish. It was nice to have, but it wasn't the central focus of your marketing campaign. Most businesses spent the bulk of their...

20 Nov 2018

A Pact Between IT and Marketing

Originally posted to LinkedIn on September 11, 2018

I have been consulting in the field of Digital Marketing Technology for nearly 20 years. I have worked with companies big and small, though mostly...