7 May 2020

The Current Data Privacy Landscape

Imagine you’ve been tasked with riding a unicycle across a tightrope. It sounds difficult, right?

22 Apr 2020

Is your website ready for a crush of traffic? Here is a plan of attack for finding out.

As internet traffic hits all-time highs we should all be thinking about how a spike in traffic to our web properties will be handled. 

1 Apr 2020

Why you need to routinely check for ADA compliance

Since 1990 when it was first passed, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has helped ensure that those with disabilities may more fully and equally participate in the public sphere....

1 Apr 2020

WebAssembly, Web Design, and the Cloud

In Tech, we are constantly in a game of ‘catch-up’. Rapidly developing technologies seem to pop up out of the ether whenever you’re not looking. In addition, startups keep moving the goalposts on...

11 Mar 2020

Website Compliance with ADA: The Ultimate Guide

Compliance with legal regulations can be a chore. It’s not likely to show up on your list of the most exciting topics.

8 Jan 2020

The advent of the product-thinking economy

When you hear the word "product," what do you think of? If you're like most people, you think of the end result of some kind of manufacturing process. Whether it's a digital product, like an e-book...

8 Jan 2020

Creating a Secure SDLC: An Agile Roadmap

In today's environment, secure development is a must. Secure SDLC practices do exist. However, some are more geared toward a waterfall style development process.

8 Jan 2020
2 Dec 2019

Continuous Integration: Bitbucket Pipelines and Static Code Analysis

When it comes to code, maintenance can be a troublesome creature. As projects grow in scope and size, so does the application codebase. As that growth progresses, it’s imperative to keep the...