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Introducing: Engine Room SportsAI Products, Services and AI Agents

Written by Dennis Egen | Mar 5, 2025 1:46:04 PM

With Engine Room’s neural network algorithms and large
“Data Lake” architectures, our proprietary AI agents focus 
on sports performance cause-and-effect relationships ---
across multiple applications from multiple sports technology

We’re taking our Best-Of-Class AI technology tools from the
financial and pharmaceutical industries, and migrating them
to sportsAI analytics performance, fan engagement and media 

We are cloud and operating system neutral, and work within
the IT infrastructure of your team or stadium. 

NBA teams are using data analytics to design strategies that will give them a competitive edge 1,2. They use data to evaluate their players, identify undervalued players, and develop team strategies that can bring them the most wins1. Teams have been using high-tech analytics mainly in three ways: designing winning strategies, predicting and avoiding player injury, and scouting2.

Data analytics is being used in the NFL to1:

  • Build out a team of data scientists
  • Collaborate with clubs and teams to apply analytics for on-field decisions
  • Analyze data to understand fan behavior

Sports analysis is a separate industry in which larger segments of data are analyzed 2. By analyzing data on entire teams throughout a season, and applying these numbers to multiple season runs, experts will create odds and choose likely outcomes for NFL events, like the Super Bowl and the annual NFL Draft2.

Data-Driven sports, Chicago Cubs best ERA 2016

Want to know more?
Your Data...Our AI Tools and Sports Algorithms
Contact Us at sportsai@engineroomtech.com